" വിജയിക്കാൻ തുനിഞ്ഞിറങ്ങിയവനു കിതപ്പ് കുത്തിപ്പിന്റെയ് താളമാണ്........ "



Sustainable development

          The concept of sustainable development, first articulated by the World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987, through the now well- known Brundtland report entitled Our Common Future reveals about a sharp shift in our thinking on the concept of economic development, which had assumed that natural resources are inexhaustible and are available to be exploited for human welfare.

Need and importance

1.     Planned utilization of resources and protection of natural wealth.

2.     Change in attitudes and lif e styles and accepting behavioural patterns based on environmental ethics

3.     Sincere love, care and consideration for all other living beings.

The need for sustainable development presupposes that the present development is not sustainable, and hence it is urged to opt for a new approach to development.

The goal of sustainable development is not likely to be attained unless the implications of inter relationships among population, environment, resources and development are adequately understood and appreciated by the people of the country.


·        Prudent use of natural resources

·        Environmental protection

·        Social progress

Symptoms of non sustainability

Ø Economic symptoms : Economic stress, stagflation.

Ø Ecological symptoms : Global warming.

Ø Social and cultural symptoms : Erosion in social and cultural values.

Achieving the goals of sustainable development

·        Ensuring that human demand on the environment does not exceed the capacity of the environment to support it, taking into consideration the environmental demands of other species and future generations

·        Providing adequately of human needs by increasing the productive potential using efficient methods, reducing wastes and resorting to recycling resources.

·        Promoting values that encourage sustainable rates and types of resource utilisation.

Sustainable practices and role of students

Ø Sustainable practices are things we can do to help our communities, suburbs, towns, cities, farms, parks and open spaces.

1.     Put rubbish in the bin.

2.     Turn lights off.

3.     Recycle

4.     Plant native trees

5.     Composting

6.     Walk to school

7.     Use public trans[ort.

8.     Share knowledge-parents, community, neighbours

9.     Reusing

10.                        Avoid creating rubbish

11.                        Buy in bulk

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